Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 5 p.m

Last Appointment
4 p.m

Granito Center

Using the Health Center

Scheduled appointments are preferred when possible. Walk-ins will be accommodated when scheduling permits.

Prior to your first visit at the Student Health Center, 您需要在Medicat患者门户网站中完成以下项目, the University’s Electronic Medical Record System.

  • Health History
  • Privacy Policy
  • Telemedicine consent, if applicable
  • Consent to treat a minor, if applicable

For emergencies dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Local Emergency Rooms

Student Immunization Requirements

Submit your Immunization Records


If you do not submit your immunization documentation, a registration hold will be placed on your account. 学生将不能住在学生宿舍或参加团队运动.

Patient Portal

在线填写表格并提交所有免疫文件 Dominican University Medicat Patient Portal. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请致电(845)848-7918与学生健康中心联系. 

Please retain copies of all documentation submitted for your record.

Immunization Requirements

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

As per New York State Public Health Law 2165, all students, undergraduate or graduate, born on or after January 1, 1957, 注册6个或以上学时的学生必须向大学提供麻疹免疫证明文件, mumps, and rubella. Documentation can be through proof of vaccine history, documented history of illness, or immunity proven by serologic testing.

Vaccine History

Provide documentation verifying the date of the disease, or the administered measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. This includes documents such as:

  • An official immunization document from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.
  • 由医师、执业护士或医师助理签署的免疫记录卡.
  • 您曾就读的其他教育机构出具的免疫证书.
  • A military dependent’s vaccine record.
  • 学生必须在申请之日起10年内提交光荣退伍证明. 光荣退伍证明应作为一份证书,使学生能够在实际收到武装部队的免疫记录之前进入该机构.


  • Live Measles: 2 doses required. Vaccines must have been administered at least 28 days apart.
  • Live Mumps: 1 dose required.
  • Live Rubella: 1 dose required.

Documented History of Illness

Provide documentation verifying the date of the disease. If diagnosed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, 有麻疹和/或腮腺炎病史是可接受的免疫证明. The physician or provider must enter the dates of initial diagnosis.

Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing

血液抗体滴度,一种血液测试,可用于表明对麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹的免疫. Please submit the original dated laboratory report. This report must include laboratory name, the student’s name and date of birth, the numerical result(s), and the numerical interpretation ranges.


Provide documentation verifying the date of vaccines. This includes documents such as:

  • An official immunization document from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.
  • 由医师、执业护士或医师助理签署的免疫记录卡.
  • 您曾就读的其他教育机构出具的免疫证书.
  • A military dependent’s vaccine record.

New York State Law 2167 requires institutions, including colleges and universities, 向所有学生分发有关脑膜炎球菌病及疫苗接种的资料, undergraduate or graduate, meeting the enrollment criteria, whether they live on or off campus.

所有住在宿舍的多明尼加大学学生和所有学生运动员都必须在入住前接种疫苗, first day of classes, or first day of practice. 所有通勤学生和非运动员学生必须在Medicat患者门户网站上填写脑膜炎球菌衰退反应表,并签署衰退声明.

脑膜炎球菌减少反应表可通过Medicat Patient Portal访问

多明尼加大学坚持疾病控制中心(CDC)澳门官方十大网投平台脑膜炎和学生住在宿舍的建议. See CDC information on meningococcal disease and vaccination.

所有免疫接种必须在注册前不超过5年, preferably on or after the 16th birthday:

脑膜炎球菌ACWY: 1剂脑膜炎球菌ACWY (MenACWY)疫苗,如果在16岁生日之前或入组前5年以上接种,则接种2剂. (Brand names: Menactra, Menveo, MenQuadfi)

Or alternative


Provide documentation verifying the date of vaccines. This includes documents such as:

  • An official immunization document from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant or state immunization database
  • 由医师、执业护士或医师助理签署的免疫记录卡.
  • 您曾就读的其他教育机构出具的免疫证书.
  • A military dependent’s vaccine record.

Tuberculosis (TB) Screening

Tuberculosis (TB) is still a worldwide health problem. 结核病筛查意味着评估每个学生在校期间患活动性结核病的风险,并对风险较高的学生进行进一步检测. 在多明尼加大学,接受结核菌素皮肤试验或血液试验表明接触过结核病的学生需要进行胸部x光检查以符合结核病标准.


Upon completion of the Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire, 任何被认为风险增加的学生都必须有由医疗保健提供者填写的结核病临床评估表,并上传到Medicat患者门户网站进行审查.

TB Questionnaire and Clinical Assessment by Health Provider

Exemptions for Immunization Requirements

Medical Exemption

有健康问题而不能接种特定疫苗的学生, a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, 照顾怀孕学生的医师助理或有执照的助产士必须书面证明学生的情况,免疫接种可能有害,免疫接种可能有害的时间长度.

In the event of an outbreak, 出于保护,医学豁免者将被排除在课堂和校园之外.


Please visit the University webpage for current Covid-19 policies and requirements

Submit Immunization Records

Please submit your immunization documentation as soon as possible. You can do this through the Dominican University Medicat Patient Portal.


All services provided by the Student Health Center are confidential. 没有学生的书面许可,信息不会被泄露, 除非在紧急情况下,学生的安全处于危险之中.

Contact Us


Phone: 845-848-7918
Fax: 845-359-7227

Administrative Assistant Immunization Coordinator

Phone: (845) 848-7918

Fax: (845) 359-7227
